Charles University – Second Faculty of Medicine
About the university
This university is represented by “Medical Doctor” in all its branches around the world.
- Located at Motol University Hospital, the teaching also happens in the same place.
- The university is charachterized by small groups, personal attention and high quality of practical and group work.
- Its students have numerous opportunities to take internships and practical work within the hospital which is the biggest hospital in the country.
About the place
Charles University, the Second Faculty of Medicine is a university that offers the highest standards of studies, keeping the good reputation of the name “Charles University”, but offering smaller classrooms, personal attention and modern facilities to all its students.
The university is also less costly that its first counterpart.
A remarkable fact is that the school is located in the famous Motol Hospital, the biggest in the country and where many prefer to be attended.
International program offers
- General Medicine: 6-year program with a degree as “MUDr” – “Medicinae Universae Doctor” (M.D.) – Doctor of General Medicine
Admission requirements
- For US students : A complete high school diploma.
- For non US students : A complete high school diploma.
- For everyone: Entrance Exams: Written & Oral exams in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physiology & Physics
Tuition fees
- General Medicine: About 460,000 CZK per year (approx. 20,000 USD/year)
*Prices are subject to change and it is advisable to check again with the university in question.
Living expenses
- Approximately 600 Euro per month (The university also offers housing) Visit the official website
University website
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